Giving new hope to animals & their owners.
Neurofeedback can help animals with stress and behavioural problems. It is a simple & short process that is easily tolerated by cats, dogs and even horses.
Our pets' lives revolve around us. Let's give back to them as much as they give us.
Penny Hyndman,
Training Animals For 15+ years
Training Humans for 20+ years
Featured Clients
Carlin loves to receive brain training with her human. She is calmer and more relaxed and interacts with other dogs with ease.
Otis the pug has been receiving neurofeedback brain training since he was a puppy. He is a calm therapy dog.
Finley the Boston Terrier had separation anxiety and didn't like car rides. He is calmer and more relaxed with brain training.
Willi was the first dog that
UR Wellness trained over 15 years ago. His car anxieties stopped & he stopped biting people's heels.
Peter loves to train with his human. He is calmer during car rides, and he stopped his litter
box rejection
Mr. Grizzly was always well behaved! However, when he trains with his human, he gets very relaxed & they both love it.
Get in Touch
Mailing Address
#240-4388 Still Creek Dr
Burnaby, B.C. V5C 6C6
Email Address
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